7/8 晴れ豆でのリリースパーティーを皮切りに 日本全国を駆け抜けたThe Factors Edenico Redenico Tourの最終地点、 約50本にも及ぶライブツアーで得たたくさんの収穫を携え全てを集約させた、それ ぞれの【Edenico=楽園】を感じる2時間のフルライブショウ!!!!!
Live : The Factors ~ 2H Edenico Stories
Vo. SAKi
Gt. Jody Tenku
Edenico Sessions:
MPC-ONE. K.U.D.O. (Major Force)
Gt. Cutsigh (Audio Active)
Dr. Yoshio Tony Kobayashi
Ba. Mr.Stone
Gt. Yota Kobayashi
Key. Takahiro Watanabe
DJ : K.U.D.O.(Major Force)
Kay Nakayama
Sound : MMU
Supported by guernica
Adv:3,000yen / Door : 3,500yen
SAKi [Singer song writer ]とJodyTenku [ Guitarist / Composer ]により2013年に結成。
2015年アルバム「Tree of Life」でデビュー。
これまでに4枚のアルバムと2枚のヴァイナルEP(Kenji Jammer & K.U.D.Oプロデュース)をリリース。2017年フジロックフェスAvalon Stageに出演。
2018年アメリカ最大規模のアートフェスBurning Manに出演と西海岸ツアーを敢行。
近年ではアユルベーダアーティストとのコラボレーション、CM、映像作品などへの楽曲提供や2021年より拠点である長野飯綱高原[ Healing Music Lab. Iizuna OASIS ]にてマンスリーレギュラーイベントを主催。そして2022年「Redenico」をリリース!
Formed in 2013 by SAKi [Singer song writer] and JodyTenku [Guitarist / Composer].
They have been playing from street corner cafes to big festivals in Japan and abroad with the theme of love and revel music that asks questions to people’s hearts.
He has released 4 albums and 2 vinyl EPs (produced by Kenji Jammer & K.U.D.O.) They performed at the Avalon Stage at Fuji Rock festival in 2017, performed at Burning Man, the largest art festival in the U.S., and toured the west coast in 2018. The band’s superb soundscape is a combination of their genre-defying performance style and their clear, warm, and beautiful voices, which are freely manipulated in both electric and acoustic styles.
In recent years, they have collaborated with Ayurveda artists, provided music for CM and videos, and since 2021, they have hosted regular monthly events at their base in Nagano, Iizuna Kogen [ Healing Music Lab. 】In 2022, he released “Redenico”!
In 2022, they will release “Redenico” and plans to tour Asia this winter just after this Japan tour.