YUKA MAEDOKORO a.k.a アブチャン (バーテンダー)
開場 21:00~3:00まで
前売 1,000円 / 当日1,000円 (No Drink)
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現場でのプレイ同様に幅広い楽曲をセレクトしたDJ MIXもシーンやカルチャーを超え評価が高い。2015年よりEILD AGENCYに所属。
KITONOABorn in west Tokyo, Kichijoji in 1979.Started his DJ career when he was fifteen.
Due to his some kind of mixed unbalance music taste, his mixing holds aunique atmosphere crossing over into various musical genres with the rightbalance.
He is one of a kind DJ who can adapt to different scenes from party toparty, from radio to gallery reception both in domestic and abroad.
His DJ Mix with wide selection of music is highly acclaimed over scene andcultureDJ MIXclubbria
Blind Carbon Copy【DJ】
Render up of deep, infectious dance enthusiast grooves beats and an amazing atmosphere.” That’s how Muhai-Kun. aKa Beatechkillah describes himself as a DJ. Born in Mexico at an early age he discovers a passion for the music listening to his brother’s tapes, At the age of 17’s start to work in a record store in Guadalajara Jal. Mex where he gets influence from Psychedelic Rock, Reggae, Dub & Ambient having access to all kind of Artist he became addicted explore genders and collecting music. Never afraid to go too deep into his latin roots emotive musical selections are his own therapy. Though he loves playing in nightclubs, patios and special events “For me, it’s all about mood and a deep, hypnotic groove playing those tracks that get you tapping your feet and nodding your head without you realizing it, regardless of genre, tempo, style, or release date. “
YUKA MAEDOKORO(a.k.aアブチャン)【Bartender】
グルメなメキシカンフードトラック La Cabinaが出店!
Chef Haim の手作りのコーントルティーヤにcarnitas(伝統的な豚料理)やfreshなceviche(魚介のマリネ)を包んだりのせたり。母国メキシコ料理の美味しい食べ方を沢山ご紹介します。