OPEN 18:00
START 18:30
3月22日 18:30 〜
RESERVEをクリックor 電話or
●前売り 7000円
そのうち起業し、失敗。 どこでどうなったかわからないけど呼吸法と瞑想をはじめ、様々なエネルギーワークを体験し、気がついたら自分自身スピ一色で染まっていて、やがて瞑想の教師となり、全国またにかけ、瞑想伝授の忙しい日々に追われるも、10ヶ月たったある日、突然教師を辞め、それから3日後に「自然道」を立ち上げ、以来、独自に開発した瞑想法やエネルギーワークを教えています。
Facebookはこちらです。 https://www.facebook.com/seiichiro.shimono.1?fref=nf
渋谷区代官山町20-20 モンシェリ代官山B2F
※For tickets to the venue, you will be asked to pay 600 yen for a drink.
※ You are not allowed to take pictures, record, or record this distribution.
※ All rights of this distribution are reserved by the sponsor and performers. Unauthorized reproduction or sharing of information on video sites may result in legal liability.
※After this distribution period, some or all of the videos distributed here may be distributed for free without prior notice, depending on the performers and organizers’ judgment. Thank you for your understanding.
※ We will do our best to prepare for the distribution, but due to the nature of the live distribution, there is a possibility that there will be an unexpected temporary stop, disturbance of the image and the sound, or a temporary stop of the performance due to the trouble of the Internet line. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
※Please note that supports funds cannot be refunded or exchanged. Please pay attention to the amount and combination.
※All sales are final, and there are no refunds or exchanges available for your purchases