バンドはコロンビアで Frente cumbieroとともに民謡のアップデートを試みる。
2021年11月には、バルセロナの音楽ドキュメンタリー映画祭 IN-EDITの「In-progress」部門に選出され、暫定パイロット版(67分)を現地で上映した。
2022年9月、Peter Barakan’s Music Film Festival にてプレミア上映。
民謡クルセイダーズのギター・リーダー田中克海と監督 :森脇由二の舞台挨拶あり。
This is a documentary about Minyo featuring the band called Minyo Crusaders. Minyo is Japanese traditional folk music, a genre at risk of extinction. For many Japanese, Minyo is “lost music.” Minyo Crusaders are a Tokyo-based band that mixes Minyo from all over Japan with Latin and Afro flavors in unique arrangements. They have also toured in Colombia, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. In Colombia they created an updated version of “Minyo” with Frente Cumbiero.
The crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for the production of this film reached its goal in one day, eventually tripling it. In November 2021, the film was selected for the “In-progress” section of IN-EDIT, a music documentary film festival in Barcelona, and a tentative pilot version (67 min.) was screened there. 2022 / 85min.
Directed by Yuji Moriwaki
Twitter @BringMinyoBack
Instagram @bringminyoback

open /start 17:00/17:30
☎️:03 5456 8880
2015年 7吋シングル「串本節」限定発売。2016年「バナナハウス」でライブレコーディングされたオフィシャルブートレグDEMO録音CD-R「民謡しなけりゃ意味ないね!! It Don’t MinYo A Thing(If It Ain’t Got That Bu-shi)」を発売。
2017年 Pvine Recordよりファーストアルバム「ECHOES OF JAPAN」発売。
2018年10吋シングル「炭坑節/with Clap! Clap! remix」発売。
2019年UK Mais Um Discosより「ECHOES OF JAPAN」発売。
Tokyo-based Minyo Crusaders rework historic Japanese folk songs (minyo) – with Latin, African, Caribbean and Asian rhythms. The multi-instrumental 10 piece includes 3 percussionists, as well as a minyo singer – a stylised form of singing rarely encountered outside of a classical folk arrangement. Based in a rich culture of work songs, Minyo Crusaders’ lyrics to a Japanese ear are at times nursery-rhyme-familiar, at times archaic. With their truly global sensibility, Minyo Crusaders’ discover punchy arrangements that breathe life into songs intended for communal celebration. In 2016, Ry Cooder discovered Minyo Crusaders’ music on YouTube and expressed his support for their unique sound. Minyo Crusaders have since been attracting attention from overseas as well as being showcased by top DJs in Japan. They released their first 7” single Kushimoto Bushi in 2015. Official bootleg “It Don’t MinYo A Thing(If It Ain’t Got That Bu-shi)” in 2016. first Album”ECHOES OF JAPAN” released from Pvine Record in 2017. 10″ singe”TANKO BUSHI/ with CLAP!CLAP! remix” in 2018. “ECHOES OF JAPAN” released from UK Mais Um Discos in 2019.
監督 :森脇由二
プロフィール 早稲田大学卒業後、CMの撮影部からキャリアをスタートし、その後ポスプロに転職。 2012年からフリーランスエディターとして活動。 Lute mediaや阪急Culture Hunter などでドキュメンタリーを監督・編集する。 今作は初の長編ドキュメンタリー映画。